I Lack Understanding So I Demonize


It seems to be a trend to demonize everything one does not understand. If Pastor or our favorite person did not say it, it's witchcraft. I often wonder how did we come to this point. King James published a book where he explained how to summons demons, but we love and adore him as if he wrote the Bible. King James' oversaw the translation; he could have added his cultural norms to it; I mean, can we believe everything was said as is? By a show of hands, who has taken time to study and show ourselves approved? Mary being 13 and Joseph being 90 is someone's cultural norm, not ours.  When I say our, I am a black woman.  Our oppressors honored this man at the beginning of the Willie Lynch Letter; that was enough to make me open my eyes and think. A personal relationship with your creator is vital. Might I add, thinking for yourself is just as important? We did not enter into this realm to become zombies. Yet, we sound and move alike, and if anyone is out of sync with the orchestra, they are witches.  And the Bible says, "suffer them not to live." We have missed the point of unity and have opted to take the weapons from our oppressors to oppress one another.  


Here we are accusing everyone of witchcraft when we cast spells on people every day with the words we say. It is no coincidence the word spell is in spelling. First of all, this is not our original language. Words have a vibrational frequency, just like your thoughts. We emit those frequencies, good or bad, with every thought and expression, so unless you are perfect in all your ways, hold back what you deem witchcraft and what you do not. No one calls the pharmaceutical companies witches. They cast spells on you every day when you take their medication—Pharmacy-pharmakeia from pharmakon, meaning a drug or spell giving potion. No wonder Walgreens had a cauldron as their logo.  So that witch is okay, but a person offering a different perspective should be burned at the stake? We use this word too loosely, and only a handful understand it on an etymological level.


I was assaulted and called a devil for defending myself. I worked with a group that intentionally sabotaged me to make me look bad before leaders; they called me a demon for not being quiet about it. I have shared with someone about meditation and had them insinuate I was participating in demonic practices. Even when I shared, I vaginal steam and how it helped me with fibroids. I have only shared that with a few, but yes, steaming has helped me in more gynecological ways than one. So I will leave people with their opinions, but I will not stop what has helped me. How is it that a sauna is okay, which helps with your cardiovascular system but sitting over the steam is not? Without a doubt, we do not know who we are, and most think slavery is our genesis. Our ancestors practiced personal hygiene with smoke baths. They did this with herbs. Yes, those herbs we demonize too, but that Bible we claim to live by talks about herbs being for the healing of the nation. Again, your pharmaceutical companies know about herbs and what to extract to mix with deadly chemicals to destroy you, but we gladly take it and call those prescribing it saviors.

When the Bible talks about "my people perish for lack of knowledge" and "In all thy getting, get understanding." What do you think that means? It goes beyond the depths you can imagine. It goes beyond the exegesis you believe you are getting when you run to your oppressor seminaries for them to educate you. Have we ever wondered why everything associated with Black culture is evil? Have we thought about why Black culture is okay when embraced by colonizers but demonic when we welcome it? Sadly, we are the ones demonizing each other because we lack understanding. I learned from one of my coaches and host of Daring Dialogues that the devil got its size and color during the Salem Witch Trials. This is when big and black became demonic. Description sounds familiar? Put their weapons down and stop assaulting your brothers and sisters. That's what they want you to do.  The same people are starting and funding the war; we have to wake up.


It is okay to get help from someone who has done the work and has a greater understanding. We need to be challenged in our thinking; it is the only way to find the errors. But how do we help people who are conditioned, preprogrammed, propagated, and think they are free? How do you help those who do not want to understand so they demonize?  As stated earlier, if they are not zombies who turn on and off at the sound of an alarm, they are demons.  We have come to this state. I pray for an exodus for our people. I pray for the day we are free from the matrix, awaken, and see things for what they are.

Thank you for reading. If this article has opened your mind in some way and has birth an urge to study please share with others on your platforms. 
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